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Azio Vision KB505U Backlight Keyboard
Sold Out
Deal Price$24.99
Suggested Price$29.99
You save 16%
DescriptionImportant DetailsReviewsRelated Products
Type Faster with Greater Focus with This Backlit, Large-Printed Keyboard
- Mnanufacturer's 1 year limited warranty included
- 30 day return policy
3 Reviews
4.3/ 5
All reviews are from verified purchasers collected after purchase.
Robert Benedict
Verified Buyer
This is awesome. I can see the keys without using a light or my reading glasses. The keys have a nice feel to them as well.
Mar 14, 2020
Tom White
Verified Buyer
too big
Jan 3, 2020
Scott T Brown
Verified Buyer
Much better product than I hoped for! I do a lot of work at night, and the backlit keys make things super easy. You can turn the light off to conserve the LEDs, and you can choose between three different colors. The keys a tiny bit bigger than your standard keyboard, which is super nice as well. This item could easily sell for 50 bucks or more, so 24 is a real steal.
Oct 25, 2019
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